Monday, December 13, 2010

Why I Need To Meditate....... And Other Truths

As I do my last meditation post for a month, I realize that I have been looking forward to this for the last week.  I never realized exactly how stressful it would be to plan a month long vaca, while remembering that half of the trip is driving, with 3 kids, so I need to plan things to do, for a 5000 km drive.  All while planning Christmas, making Christmas presents, hiding presents from my kids.  And then...... I have everyday life!  Hockey 3 times a week, and I am the team manager, so I had to schedule all of that.  The kids have school, and I volunteered for a few things with them.  Oh and my weekend went like this........ Sat night, up with Supernan as he threw up a carpet in my bathroom, clean.  Up with Supernan as he sat in the bathroom for over an hour, bleach the bathroom, and all the doorknobs.  Up with YaYa as she threw up all day, do laundry from the kids throwing up all over their beds, bleach the house.  Up with Mad Dad as he threw up all night last night.  Chaos had it earlier this week, so at least he was good.  But the kids have their Christmas concert tomorrow night, and seeing as how it has run through the house to everyone but me, I fully expect to get it tomorrow (I have only seen 2 of YaYas Christmas concerts, she is in grade 6, because someone is always sick on that day).

So my plan this morning is to take advantage of some silence, relax with a coffee and reflect on December and all it has to offer.  I am thankful for what we have the opportunity to do for Christmas, and thankful for what we have here.  My moment of peace today will be when I think of that.  During my yoga, during my reflection, I will not be stressed out, if only for a moment.  I will take the time to smell the roses snow (LOL to all those whose live in the wintery north).

Until the last post tomorrow, when you get the BEST RECIPE EVER, enjoy your day, and enjoy your family, and enjoy the holiday season.

Merry Christmas!

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